A relevant Mark Twain Quote is: “……It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so….”



We invite you to join the movement that is reinventing education and civic engagement and nation building– to strengthen citizenship and democracy throughout the world.

Our experiential offerings include, but are not limited to the works of:

Ted Dintersmith –venture capitalist and thought leader in education transformation:  “Let’s Prepare All Kids for life, not standardized Tests.”

Hunter Lovins (et al), whose body of work equips us to collectively and radically join together to embrace a “Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life.”**

Christopher Emdin directs us:  “Education is not memorization. It is the activation of imagination and a path towards liberation.”

“From Deficiency to Strength: Shifting the Mindset about Education Inequality.” Yong Zhao -University of Kansas. ©2016 The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.

About Us:

NxGenLearning – founded in 2001 by David and Sheila Lucas – co-creates with businesses, educators, policymakers, students and community members proactively to discover and cultivate the skills all citizens need to move beyond merely fitting in to the 21st Century digital economy. Our objective is to create finer futures with innovative solutions to thrive in the present and beyond. Our focus is to equip all citizens and organizations with the tools and frameworks to create and grow beyond an obsolete economy based on exclusion, mistrust and “inequity by design”1. A sustainable shift to a “regenerative economy that values healthy ecosystems, active civic engagement, and social equity.

 Stay tuned for more resources coming soon.

David Lucas and Sheila Lucas, M.A., M.Ed